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Air Explorer Pro 2.2.0 incl Patch Portable: How to Access All Your Cloud Accounts from One Place


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Air Explorer Pro 2.2.0 incl Patch Portable

CUPS 2.2.0 adds support for local IPP Everywhere print queues and includes several performance and security improvements. A detailed list of changes can be found in the change log included in the download.

The new release fixes several localization issues and adds support for many more languages.The CUPS Driver Development Kit (DDK) provides a suite of standard drivers, a PPD file compiler, and other utilities that can be used to develop printer drivers for CUPS and other printing environments. CUPS provides a portable printing layer for UNIX-based operating systems. The CUPS DDK provides the means for mass-producing PPD files and drivers/filters for CUPS-based printer drivers.The CUPS DDK is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.Changes include:

Hollywood, MD (September 13, 2004) -- Easy Software Productstoday announced the 1.1.21 release of the Common UNIX PrintingSystem ("CUPS"), an IPP/1.1-based printing system forUNIXCUPS 1.1.21 is primarily a bug fix and performance tuningrelease and includes fixes for the IPP, LPD, parallel, serial,and USB backends, authentication and status processing issues inthe CUPS API, and various PostScript and PDF printing issues.The new release also adds support for Zebra label printers andIPP device URI options. CUPS is available at: provides a portable printing layer for UNIX-basedoperating systems. It has been developed byEasy Software Products topromote a standard printing solution for all UNIX vendors andusers. CUPS provides the System V and Berkeley command-lineinterfaces.CUPS uses the Internet Printing Protocol ("IPP") as the basisfor managing print jobs and queues. The Line Printer Daemon("LPD") Server Message Block ("SMB"), and AppSocket (a.k.a.JetDirect) protocols are also supported with reducedfunctionality. CUPS adds network printer browsing and PostScriptPrinter Description ("PPD") based printing options to supportreal-world printing under UNIX.CUPS includes an image file RIP that supports printing of imagefiles to non-PostScript printers. A customized version of GNUGhostscript 7.07 for CUPS called ESP Ghostscript is availableseparately to support printing of PostScript files within theCUPS driver framework. Sample drivers for Dymo, EPSON, HP, andOKIDATA printers are included that use these filters.Drivers for thousands of printers are provided with our ESPPrint Pro software, available at: is licensed under the GNU General Public License and GNULibrary General Public License. Please contactEasy Software Products forcommercial support and "binary distribution" rights.Changes in CUPS v1.1.21:- The scheduler did not separate Digest authentication parameters with commas (Issue #882) - Fixed some problems with image printing to custom page sizes (Issue #891) - Removed the remaining scheduler code that did not use the "close-on-exec" file descriptor flag to speed up program invocations (Issue #890) - The "lpr -r" command removed the print file even if it was not printed. It now only removes the file if the job is successfully created (Issue #886) - Revamped the custom page size orientation fix (Issue #127) - The lp, lpq, lpr, and lpstat commands now report when an environment variable is pointing to a non-existent printer instead of just saying "no default destination" (Issue #879) - Queue names with 2 periods (e.g. "printer..2") were not supported (Issue #866)

Hollywood, MD (November 24, 2003) -- Easy Software Productstoday announced the 1.1.20 release of the Common UNIX PrintingSystem ("CUPS"), an IPP/1.1-based printing system forUNIXCUPS 1.1.20 is primarily a bug fix and performance tuningrelease and includes fixes for 64-bit platforms, deadlockproblems in the signal handling code, PDF printing issues, webinterface issues, and various operating system-specific issues.The new release also adds new CUPS API functions for reading andwriting files via HTTP, performing authentication, andcontrolling the required PPD conformance level. CUPS isavailable at: provides a portable printing layer for UNIX-basedoperating systems. It has been developed byEasy Software Products topromote a standard printing solution for all UNIX vendors andusers. CUPS provides the System V and Berkeley command-lineinterfaces.CUPS uses the Internet Printing Protocol ("IPP") as the basisfor managing print jobs and queues. The Line Printer Daemon("LPD") Server Message Block ("SMB"), and AppSocket (a.k.a.JetDirect) protocols are also supported with reducedfunctionality. CUPS adds network printer browsing and PostScriptPrinter Description ("PPD") based printing options to supportreal-world printing under UNIX.CUPS includes an image file RIP that supports printing of imagefiles to non-PostScript printers. A customized version of GNUGhostscript 7.07 for CUPS called ESP Ghostscript is availableseparately to support printing of PostScript files within theCUPS driver framework. Sample drivers for Dymo, EPSON, HP, andOKIDATA printers are included that use these filters.Drivers for thousands of printers are provided with our ESPPrint Pro software, available at: is licensed under the GNU General Public License and GNULibrary General Public License. Please contactEasy Software Products forcommercial support and "binary distribution" rights.

ESP Ghostscript 7.07.1 is now available for download from theCUPS web site at: 7.07.1 release updates the core Ghostscript to 7.07 andfixes several bugs, including problems found in the base GNUGhostscript distribution and CUPS drivers, and adds preliminaryPCL 6 drivers for CUPS.ESP Ghostscript is a customized version of GNU Ghostscript thatincludes an enhanced autoconf-based configuration script, theCUPS raster driver to support CUPS raster printer drivers, andadditional patches and drivers from various Linux distributors.ESP Ghostscript is provided under the GNU General PublicLicense.

A denial of service attack vulnerability, Issue #75, was discovered and reported by Red Hat which allows a malicious user to block the CUPS scheduler while servicing a request, effectively preventing other users from accessing the scheduler. This vulnerability exists for both local and remote accesses to all CUPS versions up to and including 1.1.19rc3.A patch for CUPS 1.1.18 is available on the STR page. CUPS 1.1.19rc4 and higher do not contain this vulnerability and do not require any additional patches.

Hollywood, MD (May 27, 2003) -- Easy Software Productstoday announced the 1.1.19 release of the Common UNIX PrintingSystem ("CUPS"), an IPP/1.1-based printing system forUNIXCUPS 1.1.19 fixes a denial-of-service attack vulnerability andadds support for fast reconfiguration, option retension anddefaulting when adding and modifying printers, binary PostScriptprinting, fax device features, custom web applications via CGI,PHP, Java, and Python, and simple scripting support for Java,Perl, and PHP. The new release also contains bug fixesincluding the LPD printing and Solaris signal handling bugs.CUPS is available at: provides a portable printing layer for UNIX-basedoperating systems. It has been developed byEasy Software Products topromote a standard printing solution for all UNIX vendors andusers. CUPS provides the System V and Berkeley command-lineinterfaces.CUPS uses the Internet Printing Protocol ("IPP") as the basisfor managing print jobs and queues. The Line Printer Daemon("LPD") Server Message Block ("SMB"), and AppSocket (a.k.a.JetDirect) protocols are also supported with reducedfunctionality. CUPS adds network printer browsing and PostScriptPrinter Description ("PPD") based printing options to supportreal-world printing under UNIX.CUPS includes an image file RIP that supports printing of imagefiles to non-PostScript printers. A customized version of GNUGhostscript 7.05 for CUPS called ESP Ghostscript is availableseparately to support printing of PostScript files within theCUPS driver framework. Sample drivers for Dymo, EPSON, HP, andOKIDATA printers are included that use these filters.Drivers for thousands of printers are provided with our ESPPrint Pro software, available at: is licensed under the GNU General Public License and GNULibrary General Public License. Please contactEasy Software Products forcommercial support and "binary distribution" rights.

  • The first release candidate for version 1.1.19 of the CommonUNIX Printing System ("CUPS") is now available for download fromthe CUPS web site at: accordance with the CUPS Configuration Management Plan, younow have a minimum of two weeks to test this release candidateto determine if there are any high-priority problems and reportthem using the Software Trouble Report form at: sent to the CUPS newsgroups or mailing lists are notautomatically entered into the trouble report database and willnot influence the final production release of 1.1.19, so it isvery important that you report any problems you identify usingthe form.CUPS 1.1.19 adds support for fast reconfiguration, optionretension and defaulting when adding and modifying printers,binary PostScript printing, fax device features, custom webapplications via CGI, PHP, Java, and Python, and simplescripting support for Java, Perl, and PHP. The new release alsocontains bug fixes including the LPD printing and Solaris signalhandling bugs.Changes in CUPS v1.1.19rc1:Added CUPS support files for Java, Perl, and PHP(located in the "scripting" subdirectory...)The scheduler now supports fast-reloads of thecupsd.conf file when it is updated via HTTP.The scheduler always changed the ownership of logfiles; it now only does so if they are not in the /devdirectory (i.e. don't want to change the ownership andpermissions of /dev/null...)Added libpaper support (patch from Jeff Licquia)Added a new istring() rule for MIME types files thatdoes a case-insensitive comparison of strings.The cups-lpd mini-daemon now sends jobs to the defaultqueue when an empty queue name (or "lp" and there isno "lp" queue) is sent.The scheduler now supports fax queues identified by a"*cupsFax: True" attribute in the PPD file. When a jobcan't be sent, it is held for 5 minutes by defaultwhile other jobs are attempted. The FaxRetryLimit andFaxRetryInterval directives control the number ofretries and the time between retries.The scheduler now preserves the default options of PPDfiles when modifying/upgrading an existing PPD file.When installing a new printer, the scheduler sets thedefault media size to Letter or A4 as appropriate foryour locale.The scheduler no longer limits the number ofBrowseAddress, BrowsePoll, BrowseRelay, Listen, Port,SSLListen, and SSLPort directives to 10.The scheduler now supports print files that have beencompressed using gzip.The scheduler used the stdio functions to read any jobticket information in a PostScript print job. Sincesome platforms limit the number of stdio files to 256,job ticket information was ignored when the server hada large number of clients connected to the system.Filters and backends may now report the total numberof pages ("PAGE: total NNN") to the scheduler.The LPD backend now supports timeout andsanitize_title options (default to 300 and yes,respectively) and has some additional changes toreduce the chances of multiple copies being printedwhen only one copy was requested.Fixed a polygon drawing bug in the HP-GL/2 filter.Added a robots.txt file to the standard install toprevent search engines from indexing the CUPS server.Added support for STATE: messages(printer-state-reasons), printer-state-history, andprinter-state-time to the scheduler.When using RunAsUser, the scheduler would initiallystart any previously queued (pending) jobs withRunAsUser disabled all backends would be running asroot.If a backend failed for a printer, CUPS wouldincorrectly requeue the job for printing again.Added support for IPP collections and files.Added experimental support for generic CGI scriptsand programs, Java, Perl, PHP, and Python to thescheduler. See the file "CGI.txt" for more information.The CUPS API now supports HTTP cookies and the Expect:field.The cancel command now correctly supports the "-uuser" option to cancel all jobs for the named user.The Purge-Jobs operation now supports the my-jobsboolean attribute and a new purge-jobs booleanattribute to control whether job history data ispurged from the scheduler; the default is false formy-jobs and true for purge-jobs to match the originalimplementation.The scheduler would not timeout printers when onlyusing SLP browsing.If the scheduler was unable to execute a filter, itwould try to restart the job indefinitely until thefilter could be executed.When writing BSD printcap files, the scheduler nowincludes the rm and rp attributes, allowing the fileto be exported to LPD clients. [Patch from DominicKubla]The scheduler optimization to reference IPP attributedata instead of performing a full copy caused problemswhen the referenced data was deleted before it wassent. It now only references attributes that changeonly when the scheduler is restarted. The change alsoreduced the memory footprint of a printer object to2k.The scheduler now holds signals while logging messagesto avoid potential deadlock issues when handlingsignals on Solaris 8.The lpadmin command now allows printer access controlby group name as well as user name."lpoptions -l" got in an infinite loop if no defaultprinter was available.The scheduler now logs the job-originating-host-nameattribute in the page_log file, and uses "-" for anyempty fields (patch from Dominik Kubla).The pdftops filter now scales PDF pages within theprintable area of the page.The pstops filter didn't include the page-label andclassification boxes when printing EPS or non-conformant PS files.The imagetops filter didn't always correctly positionthe image on the page when printing in landscapeorientation.The ppdEmit() functions now support theRequiresPageRegion attribute when sending InputSlotand ManualFeed commands.The PPD loading code now supports standard optionsoutside of OpenUI/CloseUI as required by the PPD spec.The cupstestppd program has been upgraded to provide aconcise PASS/FAIL report, additional detailedconformance testing, and support for gzip'd PPD files.The PPD loading code is now much more strict whenloading a PPD file, and tracks more format errors.The scheduler ignored child signals when gathering thelist of available devices, when it should have beenusing the default signal handler.The cupsEncodeOptions() function could encode anoption with a NULL last string.The socket backend could report the wrong number ofbackchannel bytes if an error occurred on the link.The cups-polld program now only sleeps after gettingall printers and classes. This allows for longerintervals without excessive delays before classes showup...Added a new httpWait() function to support waiting fordata for a specific number of milliseconds.httpGets() now times out after 1 second onnon-blocking HTTP connections.The scheduler no longer accepts rangeOfInteger valuesthat are out of order (e.g. 5-1)The sides attribute was incorrectly sent as a namevalue; it is a keyword value.The IPP backend now detects if the destination queuehas gone away and reports an error.The scheduler and HTTP API now allocate their select()sets to support larger numbers of clients on systemsthat support it.The scheduler now sets the CFProcessPath environmentvariable under MacOS X.The cupsLangDefault() function now uses theCoreFoundation localization API under MacOS X.The httpSeparate() function didn't handle file URIs ofthe form "file:///path" properly.The lpadmin command now supports a "protocol" optionfor specifying the binary communications protocol touse when printing binary PostScript data.The scheduler did not properly parse the SystemGroupdirective, so only the first group would be used.Revamped how strings are stored in the scheduler,providing a substantial improvement in memory usagefor systems with large numbers of printers.The PostScript filter now supports binary PostScriptfiles and files beginning with the PJL language escapesequence.The PPD API now provides additional information fromthe PPD file.The USB backend didn't compile on Solaris Intel.The cupstestppd utility now supports the "-q" option(quiet) for use in scripts, etc.Merged several weight-reducing changes into the CUPSbaseline donated by Apple.Added preliminary support for CDSA; patch provided byApple.Implicit classes are now created from identicalprinter classes on the network.The lp command now supports a "-H restart" option torestart previously printed jobs. This functionalityonly works if you have enabled the PreserveJobFilesoption.The scheduler now supports URIs in HTTP request linesto conform to the HTTP/1.1 specification.The time-at-xyz attributes were not recognized inbanner files if prefixed by a question mark, e.g."?time-at-creation".Added support for pre-filtering application/pictwpsfiles on MacOS clients before sending them to a servervia IPP.The scheduler now allows file:/dev/null device URIseven if FileDevices is set to No.CUPS uses strerror() for hostname resolution errors,when it should have used hstrerror().The USB backend no longer tries to guess the serialnumber of a device from the USB devices file; thismeans that printers that don't report their serialnumbers in the device ID string will not beindividually selectable.The pstops filter didn't handle page ranges properlywhen a page contained an embedded document.Added a translation of the web interface to German.When printing using the OutputOrder=Reverse optionwith duplexing, the output order is now trulyreversed; the order of sub-pages when printing N-up isthe same.The pstops filter did not always output the extrablank page when printing a document with an odd numberof pages with duplexing enabled.The ippAddXYZ functions no longer allow theapplication to add less than 1 value.Fixed a URL rewrite bug in the web interface localaccess was sometimes redirected away from localhost...The ppdOpen() functions could get in an infinite loopif the PPD file contained a keyword or text that wastoo large for the buffer.Added preliminary support for GNU TLS; patch providedby Jeff Licquia.Now timeout IPP attribute reads after 1 second insidean attribute definition.Now timeout connections that have been shutdown (dueto errors) after 30 seconds instead of the Timeoutsetting (300 seconds by default). This providesfaster recovery from DoS attacks.A denial-of-service attack warning message was beingwritten to the log files by the scheduler for everydetection. This caused a DoS of its own in somesituations. The warning message is now written no morethan once per minute.Fixed the CIE colorspace support code in the image andPS RIPs.The job-quota-period, job-page-limit, and job-k-limitattributes were not flagged as integers, so settingquotas would not work.Added an additional response check in the scheduler tomore quickly recover from denial-of-service attacks.The cupstestppd file was incorrectly installed in the/usr/sbin directory instead of /usr/bin.The EPM list file did not include the cupstestppdprogram or man page files.


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