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Prestij-s tədris mərkəzinin ingilis dili müəllimləri: metodika, taktika və cavablar


Prestij S Ingilis Dili Cavablari: How to Ace the English Language Exam

If you are planning to study or work in Azerbaijan or abroad, you may need to take the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam. This is a standardized test that assesses your English language proficiency in four skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The exam is administered by the Prestij-S Training Center (PSTC), which is a leading educational institution in Azerbaijan that offers various courses and programs for students and professionals.

The prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam is not only a requirement for admission or employment in many institutions and organizations, but also a valuable credential that can boost your academic or career prospects. Therefore, it is important to prepare well for this exam and achieve a high score that reflects your true potential.

prestij s ingilis dili cavablari

In this article, we will guide you through the process of preparing for and taking the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam. We will cover the following topics:

  • How to prepare for the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam

  • How to take the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam

  • How to review your prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam results

By following our tips and advice, you will be able to By following our tips and advice, you will be able to ace the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam and demonstrate your English language skills with confidence. Let's get started!

How to Prepare for the Prestij S English Language Exam

The first step to acing the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam is to prepare well in advance. You should not underestimate the difficulty of the exam, nor overestimate your own abilities. You should have a clear idea of what the exam entails, what topics and vocabulary you need to review, and how to improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Here are some tips on how to prepare for the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam:

Understand the Exam Format and Requirements

The prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam consists of four sections: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Each section has a different number of questions, duration, and score. The total score of the exam is 100 points, and the passing score is 60 points. The table below shows the format and requirements of each section:

prestij s ingilis dili testinin suallari

prestij s ingilis dili kurslari

prestij s ingilis dili magistr hazirliqi

prestij s ingilis dili metodist muellimi

prestij s ingilis dili videoizahi

prestij s ingilis dili sinag imtahani

prestij s ingilis dili abituriyent hazirliqi

prestij s ingilis dili tedris merkezi

prestij s ingilis dili prepositions toplu izah

prestij s ingilis dili passive voice

prestij s ingilis dili pronoun izah

prestij s ingilis dili listening cavab atmagin yollari

prestij s ingilis dili zamanlarin uzlasmasi

prestij s ingilis dili feilin qrammatik mena novleri

prestij s ingilis dili lexical tests synonyms izahi

prestij s ingilis dili qoshma ve baglayici variantlari

prestij s ingilis dili nitq medeniyyeti

prestij s ingilis dili sabah qruplari uchun hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili yay kurslari odeyishsiz

prestij s ingilis dili mektebeqeder hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili ibtida hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili liseyere hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili dovlet qulluguna hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili muellimlerin ishe qebulu uchun hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili psixoloji seminar ugrunda hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili breyn-rinq yarishmasi uchun hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili mentiq olimpiadasinin qalibleri uchun hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili dim-in test toplusundan movzulararasi elaqe

prestij s ingilis dili tenlik qurmaqla meseler helli

prestij s ingilis dili tezebasa cavablarin izahi

prestij s ingilis dili guven sinaq buraxish uchun hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili guven test bank cavablari uchun hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili kaspi adjective cavablari uchun hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili yuxu kimi bolum izleme uchun hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili sevgizler bolum izleme uchun hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili talebe tipleri cox gulaceksiz uchun hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili riyaziyyat 9-cu sinif bsq 2 illik summativ cavablari uchun hazirliq

prestij s ingilis dili riyaziyyat 9-cu sinif guven test bank hedesenin esas anlayislari uchun hazirliq

prestij-s tədrisi mərkəzi üçün ən yaxşı nəticələr uçotu

prestijs tədrisi mərkəzi üçün ən yaxşı müəllimlər siyahısı

prestige-s tədrisi mərkəzi üçün ən yaxşı tələbələr siyahısı

prestige-s tədrisi mərkəzi üçün ən yaxşı xidmətlər siyahısı

prestige-s tədrisi mərkəzi üçün ən yaxşı qiymətlər siyahısı

prestige-s tədrisi mərkəzi üçün ən yaxşı partnyorlar siyah


Number of Questions





60 minutes

25 points



60 minutes

25 points



40 minutes

25 points



15 minutes

25 points

The reading section tests your ability to comprehend various types of texts, such as articles, reports, letters, advertisements, etc. You will have to answer multiple-choice questions, true/false questions, matching questions, etc. based on the texts.

The writing section tests your ability to produce two types of texts: a short essay and a letter or email. You will have to write about 250 words for each text, and you will be given a topic or a situation to write about.

The listening section tests your ability to understand various types of audio recordings, such as conversations, lectures, announcements, interviews, etc. You will have to answer multiple-choice questions, true/false questions, matching questions, etc. based on the recordings.

The speaking section tests your ability to communicate orally in different situations, such as introducing yourself, giving opinions, describing experiences, etc. You will have to speak with an examiner or a partner for about 15 minutes.

Review the Key Topics and Vocabulary

The prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam covers a wide range of topics and vocabulary that are relevant for academic or professional purposes. You should review these topics and vocabulary before taking the exam, as they may appear in any of the four sections. Some of the topics and vocabulary that you should review are:

  • Social issues: such as education, health, environment, culture, etc.

  • Economic issues: such as business, trade, finance, tourism, etc.

  • Political issues: such as government, law, human rights, democracy, etc.

  • Scientific issues: such as technology, innovation, research, development, etc.

  • Literary issues: such as literature, art, music, cinema, etc.

  • Personal issues: such as hobbies, interests, goals, achievements, etc.

  • Functional vocabulary: such as greetings, introductions, Functional vocabulary: such as greetings, introductions, requests, apologies, suggestions, etc.

  • Academic vocabulary: such as definitions, explanations, comparisons, contrasts, examples, etc.

  • Professional vocabulary: such as resumes, cover letters, interviews, negotiations, presentations, etc.

You can review these topics and vocabulary by using various methods and resources, such as:

  • Flashcards: You can make your own flashcards or use online tools or apps to create and review flashcards. Flashcards are effective for memorizing and recalling vocabulary and definitions.

  • Online resources: You can use online resources such as websites, blogs, podcasts, videos, etc. to learn and practice the topics and vocabulary. Online resources are useful for exposing yourself to authentic and diverse materials and contexts.

  • Practice tests: You can use practice tests or mock exams to familiarize yourself with the exam format and requirements. Practice tests are helpful for testing your knowledge and skills and identifying your gaps and weaknesses.

Improve Your Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking Skills

The prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam requires you to demonstrate your proficiency in all four skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. You should improve each skill separately, but also remember that they are interrelated and complementary. You should practice each skill regularly and consistently, and use various strategies and techniques to enhance your performance. Here are some tips on how to improve each skill:


To improve your reading skill, you should:

  • Read actively: You should not just read the texts passively, but engage with them actively. You should ask yourself questions before, during, and after reading, such as: What is the main idea? What is the purpose? Who is the audience? What are the key points? How are they supported? What is the tone? What is the implication?

  • Read widely: You should not just read the texts that are related to the exam topics or vocabulary, but also read texts that are outside your comfort zone or interest. You should expose yourself to different types of texts, such as fiction, non-fiction, news, magazines, etc. You should also read texts that vary in length, difficulty, style, and format.

  • Read strategically: You should not just read the texts from beginning to end, but also use different strategies depending on your purpose and time limit. You should use strategies such as skimming (reading quickly for the main idea), scanning (reading selectively for specific information), summarizing (reading for the main points), paraphrasing (reading for the meaning in your own words), etc.


To improve your writing skill, you should:

  • Write clearly: You should not just write what comes to your mind, but organize your thoughts and express them clearly. You should use a clear structure for your texts, such as introduction-body-conclusion for essays or greeting-body-closing for letters or emails. You should also use clear sentences that have a subject-verb-object structure and avoid long or complex sentences that may confuse the reader.

  • Write correctly: You should not just write what sounds right, but check your grammar, Write correctly: You should not just write what sounds right, but check your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and vocabulary. You should use correct grammar rules, such as subject-verb agreement, tense consistency, pronoun reference, etc. You should also use correct spelling and punctuation, and avoid typos or errors that may affect your meaning or credibility. You should also use appropriate vocabulary that matches your purpose, audience, and tone.

  • Write creatively: You should not just write what is expected, but also add some creativity and originality to your texts. You should use different techniques to make your texts more interesting and engaging, such as anecdotes, examples, quotations, statistics, rhetorical questions, etc. You should also use different devices to make your texts more coherent and cohesive, such as transitions, connectors, synonyms, etc.


To improve your listening skill, you should:

  • Listen actively: You should not just listen to the recordings passively, but engage with them actively. You should pay attention to the speakers' voices, accents, tones, emotions, etc. You should also pay attention to the context, purpose, and main idea of the recordings. You should try to predict what the speakers will say next, and confirm or revise your predictions as you listen.

  • Listen widely: You should not just listen to the recordings that are related to the exam topics or vocabulary, but also listen to recordings that are outside your comfort zone or interest. You should expose yourself to different types of recordings, such as dialogues, monologues, speeches, podcasts, etc. You should also listen to recordings that vary in speed, difficulty, style, and format.

  • Listen strategically: You should not just listen to the recordings from beginning to end, but also use different strategies depending on your purpose and time limit. You should use strategies such as previewing (listening to the first few seconds or minutes of the recording to get an overview), reviewing (listening to the recording again to check or clarify your understanding), inferring (listening for clues or hints that imply the meaning or answer), etc.


To improve your speaking skill, you should:

  • Speak clearly: You should not just speak what comes to your mind, but organize your thoughts and express them clearly. You should use a clear structure for your speech, such as introduction-body-conclusion for presentations or greeting-body-closing for conversations. You should also use clear pronunciation and intonation that are easy to understand and follow.

  • Speak correctly: You should not just speak what sounds right, Speak correctly: You should not just speak what sounds right, but check your grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. You should use correct grammar rules, such as subject-verb agreement, tense consistency, pronoun reference, etc. You should also use appropriate vocabulary that matches your purpose, audience, and tone. You should also use correct pronunciation and intonation, and avoid mispronouncing or stressing the wrong words or syllables.

  • Speak creatively: You should not just speak what is expected, but also add some creativity and originality to your speech. You should use different techniques to make your speech more interesting and engaging, such as anecdotes, examples, quotations, statistics, rhetorical questions, etc. You should also use different devices to make your speech more coherent and cohesive, such as transitions, connectors, synonyms, etc.

How to Take the Prestij S English Language Exam

The second step to acing the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam is to take it with confidence and competence. You should not let the exam pressure or anxiety affect your performance, nor let the exam difficulty or complexity discourage you. You should have a clear plan of how to manage your time, apply effective strategies, and avoid common mistakes. Here are some tips on how to take the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam:

Manage Your Time Wisely

The prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam has a strict time limit for each section. You should not spend too much time on one question or section, nor leave any question or section unanswered. You should allocate your time for each section according to the number of questions and the score weight. The table below shows the suggested time allocation for each section:


Number of Questions


Suggested Time Allocation



60 minutes

1.5 minutes per question



60 minutes

30 minutes per text



40 minutes

1 minute per question



15 minutes

3-4 minutes per task

You should also use some time management techniques to optimize your time usage, such as:

  • Pacing yourself: You should not rush through the questions or sections, but maintain a steady pace that allows you to finish on time. You should also monitor your progress and adjust your speed accordingly.

  • Checking your answers: You should not submit your answers without checking them for accuracy and completeness. You should also review your answers for any errors or omissions that may affect your score.

  • Skip or guess: You should not get stuck on a difficult question or section, but skip it and move on to the next one. You should also guess the answer if you are not sure or running out of time. You will not lose any points for wrong answers, so it is better to guess than to leave it blank.

Apply Effective Strategies for Each Skill

The prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam requires you to apply different strategies for each skill: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. You should not rely on your intuition or luck, but use specific strategies that can help you answer the questions correctly and efficiently. You should also use different strategies depending on the question type and format. Here are some examples of effective strategies for each skill:


To apply effective strategies for the reading skill, you should:

  • Preview the text: You should not read the text without knowing what it is about, but preview it first to get an overview. You should look at the title, subtitle, headings, pictures, etc. to get an idea of the topic, purpose, and main idea of the text.

  • Skim the text: You should not read the text word by word, but skim it quickly for the main idea. You should read the first and last sentences of each paragraph, and look for keywords or phrases that indicate the main point or argument of the text.

  • Scan the text: You should not read the text in order, but scan it selectively for specific information. You should look at the question first, and then find the part of the text that contains the answer. You should use techniques such as looking for synonyms, antonyms, dates, numbers, names, etc.

  • Infer the meaning: You should not give up on a difficult word or phrase, but infer its meaning from the context. You should use clues such as definitions, explanations, examples, contrasts, etc. to guess the meaning of unknown words or phrases.


To apply effective strategies for the writing skill, you should:

  • Plan your text: You should not write your text without a plan, but outline it first to organize your ideas. You should brainstorm some ideas for each text, and then select the most relevant and convincing ones. You should also arrange your ideas in a logical order, and decide how to support them with evidence or examples.

  • Write your text: You should not write your text without a structure, but follow a clear format for each text. You should write an introduction that introduces the topic and states your main point or purpose. You should write a body that develops your main point or purpose with supporting details. You should write a conclusion that summarizes your main point or purpose and provides a final comment or recommendation.

  • Edit your text: You should not submit your text without editing it, but revise it for clarity and correctness. You should check your text for any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and vocabulary. You should also check your text for any problems in coherence, cohesion, and style.


To apply effective strategies for the listening skill, To apply effective strategies for the listening skill, you should:

  • Preview the recording: You should not listen to the recording without knowing what it is about, but preview it first to get an overview. You should look at the title, subtitle, pictures, etc. to get an idea of the topic, purpose, and main idea of the recording.

  • Review the questions: You should not listen to the recording without knowing what to listen for, but review the questions first to focus your attention. You should read the questions carefully, and identify the keywords or phrases that indicate the information or answer you need.

  • Predict the answer: You should not listen to the recording without any expectation, but predict the answer based on your prior knowledge or common sense. You should use your background knowledge or logical reasoning to guess what the speakers will say or imply.

  • Confirm or revise your answer: You should not rely on your first impression, but confirm or revise your answer based on the evidence or clues from the recording. You should listen for synonyms, antonyms, definitions, explanations, examples, contrasts, etc. to verify or modify your answer.


To apply effective strategies for the speaking skill, you should:

  • Prepare your speech: You should not speak without any preparation, but plan your speech first to organize your ideas. You should brainstorm some ideas for each task, and then select the most relevant and convincing ones. You should also arrange your ideas in a logical order, and decide how to support them with evidence or examples.

  • Practice your speech: You should not speak without any practice, but rehearse your speech before the exam to improve your fluency and accuracy. You should practice your speech aloud, and record yourself if possible. You should also practice with a partner or a tutor if possible, and get feedback on your performance.

  • Deliver your speech: You should not speak without any confidence, but deliver your speech with enthusiasm and competence. You should speak clearly and correctly, and use appropriate pronunciation and intonation. You should also speak creatively and coherently, and use different techniques and devices to make your speech more interesting and engaging.

How to Review Your Prestij S English Language Exam Results

The third step to acing the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam is to review your results and learn from them. You should not ignore your results or be satisfied with them, but analyze them and use them to improve your skills. You should have a clear understanding of your score report, your strengths and weaknesses, and your next steps. Here are some tips on how to review your prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam results:

Understand Your Score Report

The prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam provides you with a score report that shows your overall score and your score for each section. Your overall score is calculated by adding up your scores for each section, and it ranges from 0 to 100 points. Your score for each section is calculated by converting the number of correct answers into a scale of 0 to 25 points. The table below shows an example of a score report:


Number of Questions

Number of Correct Answers





20 points




18 points




23 points




21 points




82 points (Pass)

Your score report also shows you how you performed compared to other test-takers who took the exam in the same period. It shows you the average score and the standard deviation of all test-takers, as well as your percentile rank. Your percentile rank indicates the percentage of test-takers who scored lower than you. For example, if your percentile rank is 75%, it means that you scored higher than 75% of test-takers.

Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses

The prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam also provides you with feedback on your strengths and weaknesses based on your score report. The prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam also provides you with feedback on your strengths and weaknesses based on your score report. You should use this feedback to improve your skills and prepare for your next exam. You should identify your strengths and weaknesses in each skill and section, and analyze the reasons behind your errors or mistakes. Here are some tips on how to identify your strengths and weaknesses:

  • Compare your score to the average score and the passing score: You should compare your score for each section and the overall score to the average score and the passing score of all test-takers. This will help you determine which sections or skills you performed well or poorly in, and how much you need to improve to achieve your desired score.

  • Review your answers and explanations: You should review your answers and explanations for each question and task in the exam. You should check which answers or tasks you got right or wrong, and why. You should also check which answers or tasks you found easy or difficult, and why. This will help you identify which types of questions or tasks you are good or bad at, and what skills or strategies you need to work on.

  • Reflect on your performance and experience: You should reflect on your performance and experience during the exam. You should think about how you felt, what you did, what you learned, and what you can do better next time. You should also think about any factors that affected your performance, such as time pressure, anxiety, distraction, etc. This will help you identify which aspects of your attitude, behavior, or environment you need to change or improve.

Plan Your Next Steps

The prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam is not the end of your English language learning journey, but a milestone that shows your progress and potential. You should not stop studying or practicing after taking the exam, but continue to improve your skills and prepare for your next exam. You should have a clear plan of what to do next based on your results and goals. Here are some tips on how to plan your next steps:

  • Find suitable courses, tutors, or materials: You should find suitable courses, tutors, or materials that match your level and needs. You should look for courses, tutors, or materials that cover the topics and vocabulary that you need to review, and that provide practice opportunities for the skills that you need to improve. You should also look for courses, tutors, or materials that are aligned with the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam format and requirements.

  • Set realistic goals and deadlines: You should set realistic goals and deadlines for yourself based on your results and expectations. You should set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. You should also set deadlines that are reasonable, flexible, and motivating.

  • Monitor and evaluate your progress: You should monitor and evaluate your progress regularly and consistently. You should keep track of your activities, achievements, challenges, etc. You should also measure your outcomes, feedback, improvement, etc. You should use tools such as journals, logs, charts, etc. to record and review your progress.


The prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam is a challenging but rewarding test that can open many doors for you in terms of education or career opportunities. To ace this exam, you need to prepare well, take it smartly, and review it carefully. You also need to follow the tips and advice that we have provided in this article, such as:

  • Understanding the exam format and requirements

  • Reviewing the key topics and vocabulary

  • Improving your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills

  • Managing your time wisely

  • Applying effective strategies for each skill

  • Avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls

  • Understanding your score report

  • Identifying your strengths and weaknesses

  • Planning your next steps

By doing so, you will be able to ace the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam and demonstrate your English language skills with confidence. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. We wish you all the best in your exam and your future endeavors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam:

  • What is the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam?

The prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam is a standardized test that assesses your English language proficiency in four skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The exam is administered by the Prestij-S Training Center (PSTC), which is a leading educational institution in Azerbaijan that offers various courses and programs for students and professionals.

  • Why should I take the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam?

The prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam is not only a requirement for admission or employment in many institutions and organizations, but also a valuable credential that can boost your academic or career prospects. The exam can help you prove your English language skills, enhance your resume or portfolio, expand your opportunities, and achieve your goals.

  • How can I register for the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam?

You can register for the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam online or offline. You can visit the PSTC website or office to fill out an application form, pay the registration fee, and choose a date and time for your exam. You can also contact the PSTC by phone or email to get more information or assistance.

  • How much does the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam cost?

The prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam costs 100 AZN (Azerbaijani manat), which is equivalent to about 59 USD (United States dollar). The registration fee includes the exam fee, the score report, and the certificate. You can pay the registration fee online or offline by using various methods such as credit card, debit card, bank transfer, cash, etc.

  • How can I prepare for the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam?

You can prepare for the prestij s ingilis dili cavablari exam by following the tips and advice that we have provided in this article, such as understanding the exam format and requirements, reviewing the key topics and vocabulary, improving your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, managing your time wisely, applying effective strategies for each skill, avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls, understanding your score report, identifying your strengths and weaknesses, and planning your next steps. You can also use various methods and resources to prepare for the exam, such as flashcards, online resources, practice tests, courses, tutors, or materials.



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