This book is completely different from mainstream poem books. The words you will come across while reading this book will touch your soul but the style of writing this book is different altogether from other books.
Nikita Gill has weaved words on the canvas of self-love. Her book is one of the best collection of poetry which talks about Feminism, Survival, Trauma, and Empowerment. She has sparkled a light in every reader through her poems and encourages everyone to embrace their uniqueness.
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Even This Page is White is the debut poetry collection book by Vivek Shraya. It is fascinating to read such bold, eye-opening, and powerful poems which can be written by the one who had suffered all. Her words in the poem scream for all those who had lost their voices in this clamoring of society.
Poem books like Milk and Honey are the best to read for the ones who cannot survive through 500 pages to unveil the climax of the story. Words are precisely used in these aesthetic poems books but the depth of words is as deep as a novel. 2ff7e9595c